Hey GK,
I see how at a glance this forum could look just like a place for us to bitch about problems with machines, but we actually post problems here for the operators of all the various locations in Portland. If you look at the threads for some of the other locations maintained by major operators, you'll notice there's a really great "call and response" type pattern to them. One of us posts a problem, the operator sees it, repairs it and reports back when the problem has been fixed. Then we all know that that machine is playing well again. It's really great! It's exactly the type of relationship that I see so many players/operators post on RGP that they WISH they could have. I understand that you want to save face in google searches, and I think that's still possible by posting your fixes when they happen. If someone stumbles upon one of our posts about a problem on one of your machines, there's an opportunity for them to see that you've fixed it in the next post, or that you're aware of it and plan on fixing it. We can tell a bartender, and maybe it'll get fixed and maybe it won't. There's really no way to know, other than to roll the dice and put in some quarters on the next visit. Your repair log idea is a good one, and I plan on using it, however there's no way for me (or the rest of us) to know when it's fixed. This is key as a lot of times, we'll go to a specific location to play a specific game, and might wait until that game has been fixed. For a month when I would play location machines, I would only come to GK, JUST to play The Shadow - that kind of thing.
It sounds like you've been playing pinball for a lot longer than most of us

and have had your fair share of time on crappy location machines. . . On your Dr. Who upper flipper response. Yes, it's true you *can* play Dr. Who with the top flipper out. . . but best part of that game is that shot. A lot of us have home machines that we take meticulous care of and we DO have very high standards. Having said that, we all also play in a lot of locations around town as well (see those other threads i mentioned earlier). You mentioned going to multiple spots where games were either turned off, or playing like garbage. If I go to a place like that, it's only once cuz I NEVER go back, unless someone posts on this board that the location/operator has turned it around. The places a lot of us frequent aren't quite kept up to "home play" standards cuz that's impossible, but they're pretty damn close. I think part of the reason that we do have high standards, is that we see/play location machines that are dialed in really well and we've been spoiled

Sure, you can say that we need to basically lower our standards and play games with problems, and you guys have a lot of machines so I know they're a lot of work to keep up. However, with so many options of GOOD locations in Portland, if I want to play a Dr. Who, I'm probably going to go play one with a working upper flipper - ya know?
I really haven't meant this to sound spiteful or mean spirited, so I hope it hasn't come across that way. I love ground kontrol and whenever friends from out of town visit - you're the first place we go

I think the positive "call and response" player/operator relationship we have in Portland is vital to the survival of it's thriving pinball scene. These threads started out that way, but as with any internet forum, it seemed like this one was getting off track
PS - Cheers on the Funhouse - it'll be great to have one playing nice in town!