BOG Spiderman

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

BOG Spiderman

Postby Slingshot on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:33 am

Has anyone gotten Super Hero Mode? I cued up everything the other night and it didn't start. Software maybe?
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Re: BOG Spiderman

Postby ROM on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:38 pm

Yeah, you were playing a machine that hasn't been updated. They didn't implement Super Hero until later, and some operators are lousy and keeping things up to date. You should mention it to Phil.
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Re: BOG Spiderman

Postby Slingshot on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:35 pm

Hopefully it gets fixed quicker than the "Spider Sense" shot.
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Re: BOG Spiderman

Postby bounceback on Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:06 am

so... isn't this machine replaced by a fucking golden tee or something now? that's pretty horrible. has anyone told phil straight up that his bullshit replacement of pins with other games is not to be tolerated? that's walking a fine line. i don't know. i don't really care-- i'm glad he gets all the new games, but he sets them up shitty and takes poor care of them compared to other operators and now there's this shit with putting bullshit non-pins in longterm pin spots. what's that? i just wish that with all CFF and portland has to offer to pinball, that SOMEONE would fucking respect it.
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