T2 Super Jackpot

How to hit the things that are all lit up and flashing, and how to do it with style.

T2 Super Jackpot

Postby eric on Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:59 am

I've heard folks say on several occasions there's a way to hit this by timing your shot to the music/sound. Anyone care to shed some light?
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Re: T2 Super Jackpot

Postby Dropshot on Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:38 pm

I haven't heard anything like that. I usually just aim for the blinking light and if your aim is true it will award you a Super Jackpot.

Also, if you do not have the balls trapped, forget about them and get the Super. It is much better to drain and get the Super then flail around and miss everything.
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Re: T2 Super Jackpot

Postby Opto on Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:14 pm

I've found it's easiest to connect as the gun starts changing direction (from the bottom up). 2nd target from the bottom. That's also right at the point where the light is changing direction, so if your timing isn't perfect at least both gun/light are more or less at the bottom of the target set.
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