by inthecan on Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:29 pm
Went to check this place out this evening, my god did the food smell amazing and then next time I head out there I am most definitely going to stay for dinner. The menu looks bomb as hell but I just stuck with a very boozy bourbon and ginger ale (def worth the 4.00) and put some work in on Grand Lizard and a little bit of Sorcerer.
The Grand Lizard is in really nice shape as is Sorcerer, the bit of training time I have been able to log on Kickback's GL paid off as I GC'd Tanuki's with 3 mill +
The session was not with out it's humorous and distracting moments though, some poor guy was getting absolutely berated by his GF/Wife/Business partner at the table about 3 ft away. I felt sorry for him until I took a look at the shoes he was wearing, I don't know what the fuck those things were but most of my compassion evaporated almost instantly.
Tanuki's food menu
I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law! - Bugs Bunny