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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

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WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby vintagearcade on Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:32 pm

Whitflip 20011 at "The Location" Vintage Arcade in Eugene or. is presents its first pinball tournament, hosted by 245 Media, sponsored by Ninkasi Brewing, 245 Media and of course, "the Location" vintage arcade.

whitflipsmall.jpg (368.91 KB) Viewed 23050 times
Last edited by vintagearcade on Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene

Postby Dropshot on Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:31 pm

What is the format and entry fee?
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 7-29-11

Postby sauce on Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:01 pm

Says june 25th on the flyer.... but july 29th in your post title???
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 7-29-11

Postby Dropshot on Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:38 pm

oops, that was me. I like having dates in the titles so people can know without reading through the posts but somehow i got july 29th from something. Not really sure how or why?
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Hayden on Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:56 pm

The original flyer said July 29. I mentioned this to them and it was corrected to June 25.

Here's our basic plan. The arcade will be open on Friday, June 24th. We will push people who show up Friday to come back on Saturday night to play in the tournament.
Saturday night will be a simple double elimination format. Most likely $5 in and money paid out to the top few.

The purpose of this tournament is to test the interest level among Eugene people. If this goes well, we want to plan something bigger for August that will award WPPR boints and will be an all day tournament.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby eric on Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:27 am

Sounds sweet!

Why not submit this one for boints? You just have to email Josh and give him the tournament info. It would be a good draw for out of towners who might otherwise be on the fence.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:03 am

It would be worth a small amount, but if you threw 4 of them like this one they would add up together.

Also, advertising something along the lines of becoming a world ranked professional pinball player might help too.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:39 am

Regardless of the amount of players interested from Eugene my guess is 15-20 from Portland and possibly a few from Seattle would be interested.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Opto on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:21 am

For a low stakes head to head tournament 2 hours away?

I bet you'd be more likely to see that number of folks heading down for a higher entry, full wpr, all day event.

I could very easily be wrong. Regardless, I hope both friday nights kickoff and saturdays tournament goes off w/o a hitch!
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:57 am

I was referring to the all day event, not the head to head. My mistake if that wasn't that clear.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:00 am

Noah, you better be going to this too. I think i have a 13 point lead on you right now and this could be a huge tournament in either passing or falling behind. Could be interesting.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Opto on Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:11 am

I'm all over the all day thing if it happens!

Maka is even closer on your tail.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:15 am

I'm not worried about Maka, he's a chump, if he comes down for the Rumble I wouldn't even draft him. (that comment was for the captains who didn't draft me, who ever drafts me, draft Maka too!)
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby vintagearcade on Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:44 pm

Already a popular demand right here in eugene! very exciting to host this tournament!

again the date, saturday june 25th! sorry for the earlier confusion about july.

Hayden is going to be handling the tournament set-up, price, payout and boints distribution...

Oh and I heard a little bird that this tournament might be a good way to gain boints due to the LACK of tournaments right now...

cool, go Eugene!

see ya in Ninkasi land...
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Opto on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:54 pm

My apologies in advance if you already know how the point distribution thing works . . .

As Dropshot mentioned before - a head to head thing like this is GREAT for "regular" boints - like you can throw an fairly easy to organize head to head low buy in event. Winner gets 6.? boints and some cash. You can throw up to 4 of these in one year at the same location and the boints are cumulative. If one person wins all 4, they get 27 boints for that event . . . for that year. If you get 10th at all 4 events, they'll still add up to *something*. This is cool, cuz once people see that they're ranked and can move up the ranks simply by attending it encourages them to keep coming back. This is what are weekly tournaments are set up as, and from the sound of it, your kickoff tournament would fall in this category. Here's a good example of what the breakdown looks like -

http://www.pinballrankings.com/view_tou ... 2011-06-07

When you have something that's considered a "major" event (cascadia, ground kontrol, slabtown, nw pinball show, pizza depot tournament in the bay area etc), it's 27+ boints to the winner and on down. What characterizes this as a major event, I'm not exactly sure, but generally, they are of a bigger scale (larger buy in, longer playtime, bigger payouts, higher stakes etc). Here's a good example of what that breakdown of what that looks like -

http://www.pinballrankings.com/view_tou ... 2011-05-28

We are definitely spoiled with weekly tourneys up here, which is why my earlier comments about people not coming down there for this first one may have seemed pessimistic. Again, I could easily be wrong. However - there is definitely a local "major" tournament hole at the end of July early August. No doubt that lots of portland players would come down for that. Next big thing on the books (I think) is Cascadia which ain't till October, unless Dropshot cooks something up for September.

Oh and thanks again to Gavin/Hayden/Eric Merchant for pushing some serious pinball in Eugene. It'll be awesome to have some more local(ish) events on the horizon.

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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:31 pm

That is a very good explanation of it all.

Was that a challenge Noah? If I do something worth full boints it will need to be something bright and new, and all shiny with sparkles, something no one has seen before...damn, now I am going to have to come up with something crazy.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Opto on Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:36 pm

*cough* *pingolf* * cough*
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:27 am

Ha, Pingolf. We did it, best tourney format ever! You suckas will just have to wait to hear about it, but it will happen sometime late summer/early fall.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Dropshot on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:34 am

Besides, I think Pingolf benefits the more skilled players way to much in comparison to any other style tournament.
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Re: WHITFLIP 2011 pinball tournament in Eugene 6-25-11

Postby Opto on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:48 am

As long as a mandatory double stout handicap (1 beer at every 2 holes for the 4 players with the lowest golf scores after round 1) rule is enforced . . . it'll even things right out for the lower skilled players.
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