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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - Clinton Street

Clinton Street

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Re: Clinton Street

Postby autofire on Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:56 pm

mike please take csi out. Im begging you. wade and I both would like to see a spiderman or even wheel of fortune anything but csi. that game belongs in the bottom of a lake.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby fathom22 on Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:00 pm

I was actually thinking about adding a second CSI to the line-up since its making so much bank in there ;) Actually It was the only working pin in the warehouse that I could replace Trashinator 3 with. I'm getting a SM, BDK & POTC in a couple weeks and probably 2 of those will end up at Clinton.

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Re: Clinton Street

Postby autofire on Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:01 am

SM or LOTR would be the most awesome of awesomeness ever! And is there anyway to make MM nicer, the tilt is so sensitive and that game is MEAN! the meanest in town! I love to hate it but every time I dump my money into it I feel raped and not even kissed first!
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby bounceback on Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:28 pm

spiderman and POTC if we're choosing off that list. actually, i would be fine w/ BDK to clinton if you put spidey in at billy ray's. there aren't enough spidermen in town, i was just talking with slingshot about this the other day. used to be a ton, and now they're nowhere to be found. that's a game i'll keep playing.

i would personally play CSI if it were 50c like the rest of the lineup, but wherever i see a new stern for an extra quarter, it's a no-brainer. i'm enjoying the new game less than the old stuff all around it, while paying more to have a worse experience? at spots that DO have the new sterns at 50c, i play them.

i maintain that CSI has some cool shots, but horrible art, sound, and rules. could be salvaged if it was skinned. i'd be down with playing NBA at some spots. not thrilled with it, but at least thematically it's tolerable.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby west on Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:53 pm

Bounceback, there is a SM at the standard..
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby bounceback on Mon Jul 06, 2009 12:45 am

wow, they actually changed games? i'll have to go back there. i gave up on that place because of the shit condition the games were always in. made me really sad to see such a great lineup so poorly maintained. i'll have to give it another check. thanks for the tip.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:26 pm

CSI is out NBA Fastbreak is in. Seems to be playing better than when it was at Goodfoot.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby replay on Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:37 pm

The machines at csp are in pitiful shape, pages of details could follow but pitiful shape pretty much sums it up.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:33 pm

Who dunnit is out and Indy 500 is in.

Attack from Mars is out and Jurassic Park is in. Plays fine except for the gate into the pop bumpers from the launch is installed backwards, making a skill shot impossible.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:19 pm

Upper flipper on Congo is stuck up.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Legs on Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:23 pm

Current line-up is Medieval, Congo, Monster Bash, Twilight Zone, Indy 500. Congo loses balls when they got locked, has been off for a week or so. When I was there last night, I was playing MB, backhanded the scoop to get Monster Bash with the right flipper, and as soon as I got it, right flipper just stayed stuck up. Managed to get like 45M with just the left flipper and some nudging, but it's pretty fucked.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Dropshot on Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:02 pm

Congo left flipper is completely mush, not a single shot is possible and gets stuck up.

Twilight Zone slot machine feed is ridiculously slow and often takes 3 or 4 times to get past the metal overhang right above the hole. Left coin mech was taking quarters.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Dropshot on Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:10 pm

We sure beat the shit out of those machines last night. Broke all 5 throughout the night.

Spiderman, got 2 balls jammed in Doc Ock. Got a 3rd in there trying to break free the other 2. Issue was resolved.

Congo, balls were getting stuck in the volcano and not releasing them. Then possibly starting multiball once they are released? Now has ball missing issues. TURNED OFF WHEN LEFT

Monster Bash, wedged a ball between Franks legs and the frame behind him. Issue resolved.

Twilight Zone, Ball sitting in upper arm on habitrail. Ball search wasn't cycling to the arm, was unable to get this one out. TURNED OFF WHEN LEFT

I500, lock spinner may have been not registering how many balls were in it. There were a few 2 ball multiballs when there should have been 3.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:28 pm

Yeah, but Frank was not registering shots after we resolved that issue.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Dropshot on Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:49 pm

Frank has been fixed and the problem on Congo was a wire harness that fell down and the balls were getting stuck in it. That's why some of the balls were easy to get out and others were a bit trickier. Clinton should be good to go!
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:16 pm

Clinton has a pretty dang tight line-up.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Legs on Wed May 11, 2011 11:53 am

Right flipper on Spidey got stuck up a couple of times.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby PatC on Wed May 11, 2011 2:39 pm

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Re: Clinton Street

Postby yoyoninja on Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:56 am

MM seemed hyper-tilty, I still love that game...Spidey tilted on me, as well. Tournament play settings ? Probably my bad :P Played Congo too, not a fan...I'm outta pinball shape, 10 games and I'm whooped !
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby coyle on Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:42 pm

Congo: upper flipper is shot (one quick flip then dead)
MM: left flipper same as above
TZ: the slot machine barely kicks out and when it does is all over the place.
Didn't play Spidy or MB.
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