Treasured Memories
Posted: June 8th, 2009 by ROM
and tender moments. Recollections of a pinball meeting.
Ducketts recently got a fourth machine, so we piled everyone into the minivan and had ourselves a meeting there.
The first two hours were spent, as usual, going over the agenda, and the previous week’s minutes/scores, and then setting up the bracket system to determine who will play what machine during the meeting.
After passing out our drink tickets, DDT stood back and monitored our activities, determining whether or not the system was “word.” It was.
I put up the first score of the evening. A steady 47million on Family Guy.
Bounceback could not believe it! He was like, “ROM, you’re really good at running modes.” And then, in my modesty, I thanked him.
But what is CFF without friends? Some say it’s just CF. (depends on what you think “CFF” stands for.)
Later on Sauce did a freaking bangback on Indiana Jones. Killer move!
See you all next time!
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bounceback 9 Jun 09 at 9:49 pm
oh my god i’m laughing so fucking hard…