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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - Bear Paw Inn

Bear Paw Inn

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Bear Paw Inn

Postby HornedGramma on Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:35 pm

Just off Milwaukie and Powell, about a block from the Aladdin theater. The Bear Paw is one of those sad little places where old men go to drink themselves to death; they had a pretty tragic Junkyard in there for the longest time but there are now four pins, mostly in pretty good condition. There's a TRON: Legacy, a Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, a Rollercoaster Tycoon and a dumb ol' South Park. Pretty good lineup, especially considering those are machines you can't really find anywhere in this part of town. I've been looking all over for a conveniently located T3.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby videomode on Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:41 pm

I'll have to check it out thanks for the update
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby DDT on Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:30 am

The "Poo Paw" as we called has almost always had a pin. There was a TOM there ten years ago with ashtrays on the feet no tilt. You had to shove the ball up the right ramp. They make a stiff drink, and there is usually some JO in there that is either fun to drink with or punch :) maybe I'll visit them again
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby inthecan on Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:22 am

Stopped by here the other day, that T3 is sooooo damn dark and is fairly mushy on the flippers as well. Got to try Tron out for the 1st time, in my opinion it's basically just a way drainier Funhouse crossed with every other recent Stern and without the fun and a waste of .75 cents. Did not try out the others, anyone know of any decent places to play in the Sellwood area?
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby HornedGramma on Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:50 am

In Sellwood not so much. There's a jankety Elvis at the Yukon on Milwaukie and then a couple blocks further up Milwaukie is the Cosmo -- they have what was once a pretty nice Family Guy that has deteriorated almost to the point of unplayability. Further out into Sellwood past West Moreland and there's basically nothing.

Apex is right on the other side of Powell from the Bear Paw, though. Their present line-up is alright: ToM, BDK, TSPP and a Tron machine that is only fifty cents a spin, which is nice. If you can ignore the pissy, passive aggressive little notes that the owner posts in every possible corner of that place it's not bad.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby Soundcard on Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:57 am

the mikes drive in on tacoma (?) had a circus voltaire last i was in there.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby JeffK on Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:06 pm

apex is on division, I believe. Not sure if that's what you meant by 'other side of powell'.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby HornedGramma on Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:41 pm

That is what I meant. Division is right on the other side of Powell from the Bear Paw Inn. On 12th.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby inthecan on Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:35 pm

Cool, thanks for the lowdown. I think Cosmo actually no longer has any machines in there. Apex, LOL. Left a nice note on their pinball "problem list" awhile back: The problem is 3/4 of these machines are Sterns.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby JeffK on Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:16 pm

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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby HornedGramma on Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:13 am

Cosmo definitely has a machine. I play there two or three nights a week. If any of yous can beat my 176mil on their Family Guy I'll give you ten bucks.
So much for a friendly topic...
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby inthecan on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:55 am

Oh that's right, FG is right by the front door! Went in there awhile back while waiting for sushi at Saburro's to discover they took Sopranos and TAF out of the back, sort of a bummer as that back room was pretty sweet to play in. As for TSPP if it is in good shape it can be fun, I think the main problem with Stern's is that while I can enjoy them and there are some decent ones (LOTR is still probably my fave of the modern Sterns) I always get the feeling I am playing a Tomy's "my first pinball" machine on steroids. Generally more of an endurance fest than anything else though I have to admit that Tron beat me brutally and took my 6.00 pretty damn quick!
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby HornedGramma on Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:54 am

FG is out of the Cosmo and has been maliciously replaced with a barely-functional South Park machine. I told the owner that the quickest way to lose my pinball and beer dollars is to install a South Park machine and she promised to try to have it switched out again within a week, so here's hoping.
So much for a friendly topic...
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby JeffK on Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:41 pm

I don't understand... you don't like shooting the kenny shot over and over and over? Oh wait, I forgot about the multiball, where you... shoot the kenny shot over and over and over.
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Re: Bear Paw Inn

Postby Dropshot on Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:54 pm

South park can be a fun game to get both wizard modes on. 1 is from starting all modes and the other is for beating all modes. If you just beat all the modes right off the bat you do not get the starting all the modes wizard mode.

I like to start for kyle? through the pop bumpers 4 times, it's a multiball where you need to make the shot 4 times again or just hit enough pop bumpers. When trying to start this mode most of the time the cartman shot will give you a brief ballsave so i try to hit that first, that way if I miss the left orbit and hit a post and drains, which it will, I will get the ball back. During each wizard modes every shot is worth 2 mil or 4 mil depending on which one.
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