by ROM on Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:16 pm
Apparently what's-his-name from KOP (Kings of Pinball.....?? I think I am getting the initials wrong) beat 25 CFF members last time at Billy Rays to win this tournament. Well, according to him, at least. I had to recently break it to him that there were likely about 5-6 CFF members at the tournament, tops, and that the other 15 folks (not 25 total even) were just regular ol' local jammers. And how many of those 5-6 CFF members did he personally beat out? Probably not all. He beat me in the final, though. I overheard him going on about this - it sounded like he'd been gloating about it for months. Nice win, man, but get your facts straight - especially if you're gloating. He started saying something about how CFF wouldn't challenge KOP, and that's when I stepped in and told him I'd challenge him any day and CFF would be more than happy to battle KOP. And.... he immediately quieted down. Anytime, KOPs!
(note: his win might not have been the most recent billy rays tournament. but the one before it.)
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