by Dropshot on Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:41 pm
I know it's a bit early and I do still plan to throw a tournament in late September (which we are meeting on next week to hash out the details and date) but I was just informed Shorty's has decided to move their tournament to our weekend and this aggression will not stand.
I am currently in the process of getting a hold of them to let them know the situation. I do know our tournament had not yet been posted but this will be the 3rd year it has been on that date. We chose that date, which is the first Sunday in November which is daylight savings day. It allows players from out of town an extra hour of driving time to get to the event if they are coming down day of and it gives the event organizers an extra hour to wake up with our hangovers and get everything prepared.
So with that said I will not be changing our tournament date. If it comes down to it, I guess players will have to choose which event they want to attend. I apologize in advance if this doesn't get worked out and people are upset by it. I will see what I can do to get them to possibly change their date.