by Dropshot on Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:27 am
On Tuesday the 13th I will be closing the online paypal method of signing up for this tournament. After it is closed the only way to sign up will be to contact me directly. Still 4 spots remaining. They will most likely be gone after this weekend however. So sign up now.
Also, those that have signed up but have no paid. Your spot is safe until 12:00 pm the day of the tournament. At that time anyone who is waiting for a space will be given the opportunity to fill your spot. If you show up late and your spot hasn't been taken your matches will be forfeited until you do arrive. If you fail to show up completely and your spot isn't filled you will still be held accountable for the $40 entry fee. Dennis does the collecting, and he isn't gentile.
So enough of negative stuff. This tourney is going to be fun. We have decided to let players know which NFL team they are. Also, I think I will use these final standings in some way shape or form in deciding how/who/what the next team based event will be.