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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - Pinball past 60th???

Pinball past 60th???

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Pinball past 60th???

Postby Emilyloops on Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:45 pm

well I just moved further out than ever before and I'm having trouble finding anything remotely near my house....

82nd sleazy taverns, sports bars, anywhere around 82nd and Fremont????

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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby ROM on Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:34 pm

You could give Sindots a try. . I haven't been there.

Also, there's supposed to be a big pinball hall coming to your neck of the woods - somewhere in the 60s, and in the NE. I'm not sure when it will be open, but it's going to be called Ricochet. Two operators/engineers have been collecting machines, and are preparing to turn a house into a hall. Reportedly: 20 machines!
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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby skillshot on Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:22 am

Hey Emily,
I live out in your neck of the woods and there a few machines near by. Sinnots on 57th and NE Halsey does have an Addams Family (at least last time I was there), the Red Room on 82nd and Thompson had Monopoly, and the bowling alley might have a machine or two. I can't remember If they got rid of them. Other than these places, I think the next closest area is 50th and Hawthorne (BOG, Angelo's, etc,.). Good luck and let me know if you find any new machines.

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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby Emilyloops on Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:24 am

Wow there really isn't much to report.

the Little Copperstone /Sinnot's on 59th and Halsey is cool but they're not open very late. they have 25cent Circus Voltaire which kicks ass.

Red room has an Adam's Family that will eat your soul it's so cruel. I think it needs adjusting...

other than that I go to southeast or north to play. nothing on the way home from work, which is why i'm writing this crap...

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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby ROM on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:00 pm

bounceback and I were lamenting the north yesterday. Florida Room is good (though their settings on the Family Guy should be adjusted), and the Alleyway is rad (they just put in the old Indiana Jones), but the Know and the Nest have poorly-maintained machines. There is definitely room for improvement in the area.

I work at PSU, and live in the NE, so I usually swing through SE on my way home.

If you're a regular at any spots that don't have pinball, owners/managers usually seem open to suggestions.

I wonder when Ricochet is supposed to open...
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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby bounceback on Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:59 pm

yeah, cooperstown is it as far as i know. rode out there last saturday but after the game heated up, the flippers on voltaire got too weak to make the ramp shots. bummer because everything else on the game seems to be in great working shape, and it's a rare machine-- 25c games rule.

you should start combing the area and let us know what you find. maybe we could make a group bike trip out that way and nose into all the little weird bars and places in the area. there's got to be something. i would figure there were a few sports bars up sandy that would have some pins. halsey kind of turns into nothing around 60th.

i know there are some places on 82nd that have machines, random bars, but i never go out there.

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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby ROM on Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:46 pm

Yeah, we should comb this area to see what's around.

The whole non-inner north and south east is lacking info on the map. I don't even think the Slingshot bar is on the map.

We need to implement Operation Comb-Over!
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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby Kickback on Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:12 pm

Yes covering Portlands bald spots!,
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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby bounceback on Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:06 am

oh good, you get the joke.
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Re: Pinball past 60th???

Postby Plunger on Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:03 pm

Roscoes on Stark and 72nd? (Across from the Academy Theater, by Flying Pie Pizza) Has LOTR and Terminator 3. Roscoes isn't the best bar in the world, but if you are desperate for some pin and that's closer to you, there you go.
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