Ground Kontrol

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby ROM on Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:54 pm

Sometimes they have shows on the weekends (bands or whatnot), and charge a cover. Maybe it was a special event like that.
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby JeffK on Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:00 pm

I asked the door guy what the cover was for and he said nothing specific, they are just doing it on the weekends now.
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby JeffK on Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:09 pm

at least im almost positive that's what he said, I had consumed an adult beverage or six by that time
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby JeffK on Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:32 pm

the new TZ is awesome!
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby GroundKontrol on Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:08 pm

The cover on Friday & Saturday nights (usually ~9PM-midnite) is a recent thing. Unfortunately, we just can't handle as many people as we used to. :( The remodel reduced the number of people we can let in by 30%, even though we didn't lose any square footage (be very, very careful before remodeling an old building - it's usually cheaper to tear it down and start over than to increase capacity or even keep it the same). But the remodel also has made us very popular on those nights. Often too popular. We were having lines going down the block waiting to get in, so that those roll-ins from the local meat-market clubs you mentioned could hang out, nurse a drink, and not play games.

Charging a $2 cover during our absolute peak got rid of most of that. I don't like charging a cover for people such as yourself who are there to play games, but the alternative is to make you wait outside for a half hour to an hour while the people who don't want to spend money hang out inside. The cover seems to discourage the hangers-on. I'm sure it discourages some good customers, too, but no more so than a line to get in would.

My recommendation is to come during the 94% of our hours that we don't charge a cover.

I'm sorry that TZ wasn't up last night. We got it late yesterday afternoon. Mark came in on his weekend to get it ready, but its problems were deeper than expected, and it took him all day today to finally get it working. AFAIK it's up as of Sunday night. The table is a beaut, HUO. Probably too nice to operate, but we're crazy like that. ;)

PS we're probably about 3 weeks from having full liquor service, OLCC willing.
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby DDT on Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:01 am

Please for god sake, put a tilt on that TZ. It was playing like a brand new bouncy beauty. But without a tilt every kid who learned to Bounceback last summer are going to put that thing in the dust. Or don't cause "you are crazy like that"
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby yoyoninja on Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:27 pm

Haven't balled in awhile, but LOTR machine needs some TLC. Flippers are starting to stick and balls get stuck on the right side trap during multiball (which buys you time, but it ain't right). Spiderman was totally effed up, someone left six credits on the machine with 4 balls lodged up in there... And the Double Dragon machine irked me, I used to be able to make it to the end of the game using only the elbow worked sporadically, at best...
The 6 year old with the fairy wings seemed happy enough with the Shrek machine, as did her mom...while I'm trying not to curse at the sticky flippers on LOTR... Maybe I was just there too early and coulda used a beer...
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby Opto on Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:27 am

Fill out the damage note form and talk to the dude at the bar - he'll give your quarters back, and they'll know to fix them.
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Re: Ground Kontrol

Postby GroundKontrol on Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:49 pm

@yoyoninja - I forwarded your comments to our tech, though I played Spider-Man about 11PM last night and it was playing fine. As Opto said, tell the person at the bar if you have problems and need a refund. We want you to have fun, and it's hard to have fun if the machines are broke and/or eating quarters.

In other news, after a year of looking, I finally found a CFTBL in good condition! The hologram currently isn't working, but I think I can get it working in the next few weeks. I'll be setting it up at Backspace today, between World Cup Soccer and Guns N' Roses. These are my personal pins, and I plan to start rotating them with the ones I own at GK (Bride of Pinbot, Cirqus Voltaire) in the not-too-distant future.

Update: Hologram works! (I disabled the "hand" motor, but the mirror moves back & forth).
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