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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - Clinton Street

Clinton Street

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Re: Clinton Street

Postby Dropshot on Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:34 pm

clinton street games always seem to get busted
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby bounceback on Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:13 am

seems like it used to take a little longer for the games to break down, now they don't last a week. they should put in an annoying old lady, like a hall monitor or life guard, someone from the senior center that wants to volunteer somewhere, chain smokes and never smiles, to kick you out if you abuse the machines. she could just sit there in her own high chair and kick your ass with a baton if you give her any backtalk.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:59 pm

At Clinton last night everything was working except for HRC. I got to the final battle on Terminator and got #3 with a score of 252mil but put in BJB instead of BJA, cause Im an idiot. JDR GCed Elvis with a score in the 900millions, He also GCed Terminator with a score in the 400 millions.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:30 am

High Roller Casino is out. Sharkey's Shootout is in. Its clean, fast and played well.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:55 pm

But is it FUN?

(and does this mean Sharkey's is gone from Pappy's Bar and Grill, on 82nd?)
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby replay on Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:16 pm

I played a couple games there last night and it has a very strange setup of a second set of buttons directly under the primary flipper buttons that when hit raise a sdtm stopping bumper. It is weird because the buttons are directly under the primary which made my normal hand position out of whack and is definetely uncomfortable. It seemed fun though with a wide open mid playfield and a very easy to get multiball. I imagine it would get old fast though.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby eric on Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:25 pm

I agree, those extra buttons are in the absolute worst spot possible! It's right where your bottom fingers hold onto the machine. I wonder why they didn't just put them further up the cabinet like Magna-Save buttons.

The game's playfield obviously borrows a lot from Eight Ball Deluxe. I had fun for the two or three games I played, but the rules don't seems to be very deep and play isn't all that varied. The machine is playing really fast and tight, but those extra buttons drove me crazy!
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:04 pm

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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:23 pm

sauce, did you put your Mars Trek into SOMA on division? If so, I'm trying to add soma to the map, and I can't find it on google maps and stuff. I just wanted to verify the address. Is it a coffee shop or something?
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:22 pm

Yes, I did. Im not sure if it is on google maps yet. If you look up Rad Summer, it should show up, they changed names/ owners recently.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby west on Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:54 pm

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Re: Clinton Street

Postby autofire on Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:47 pm

the thing I dont like about clinton is how the machines are so low. I know im a tall guy but really do they have to be that low? This is my back writing this by the way, and I dont quite care for sharkys shootout I much preferred high roller. Just sayin.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:44 pm

you're tripping, man. Maybe you're just wearing your high heels each time you go to Clinton.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby ROM on Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:24 pm

Champion Pub gone, WHO Dunnit?!?! here. It plays fast and smooth. DDT claims there's a little too much zircon on the playfield, which is causing the ball to act a little trippy around the flippers. But that will go away once it gets dirtied up.

As of yesterday, Medieval Madness was turned off. Sharkey's Shootout had a ball three lost in the trough. Some DDT-patented man-handling (which, witnessing, brought back a little PTSD) caused the ball to be found. So I inserted two quarters and pressed Play. And with my hands not on the flippers and the ball still resting on the plunger the machine danger danger tilted three times in a row, all in a span of ten seconds. It was my worse game of pinball ever. Score: 00.

Clinton has a good line-up right now. Elvis, T3, and WhoDunzit?! were all in fine working order. I beat T3. and GC'ed WD. DDT woulda beat my GC, but he got snatched up by the neon claws of Gamblor!
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Slingshot on Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:17 pm

Went to CSP last night. Madeline threw up a #1 on Whodunnit, then got the ball lodged in a bitch of a spot. That being said, Terminator and Elvis were the only machines working.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby replay on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:21 pm

WHo Dunnit is one of my least favorite games. Borrrrrrrrrrrrring. Bummer they took out Champ Pub.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:23 pm

All of the playfield cpu controlled lights are out. Flashers work, gi works. Cant see what target to hit on RPG or what ramp to go for when arnie says "shoot here."
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby sauce on Wed May 06, 2009 5:54 pm

Sharkeys is out. Scared Stiff is in. Feels good, but sometimes the spider hole kickout will send the ball flying across the machine.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby Soundcard on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:36 pm

Ive been in 3 times in the last 2 weeks, terminator not working all 3 times (you cant collect command centers), SS broken all 3 times (boney beast loop fucked up in one way or another), and apparently who dunnit was fucked all 3 times but i am hearing that second hand from west, i dont really like that game so i didnt play it.
I'm just rehabing my shoulder... and trying to get my fuck on.
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Re: Clinton Street

Postby west on Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:44 pm

Elvis out - AFM in

Last time I played WD, SS and T3 they were all fucked ( as stated by Soundcard) ... I havent played them since they put AFM so Im not sure if the operator worked the bugs out or not when he dropped AFM off. I will update tonight. I plan on being at the clinton st this evening so if anything is fixed I will update the thread.

So far:

WD- no multiball... ever..
T3- Cant collect command center
SS- Boney beast is missing the piece of his back right above the Spider Spin hole so the ball will sometimes shoot all the way across the playfield.. not fun.
MM- Dont really play it there...
AFM- seems to be working well.. plays pretty fast.
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