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Crazy Flipper Fingers • View topic - Foggy Notion

Foggy Notion

Locations to play. Make notes on the current status and quality of machines throughout town.

Foggy Notion

Postby Qdub on Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:25 pm

Hey everyone.
So we just loaded up 4 pins into this place.
3416 N. Lombard
Its used to be the Blue parrot. The line up for now is
Road Show
NBA wont be there very long. I'll be putting in Avatar in for the GC tourney in Two weeks. Kevin (one of the owner) is pretty ambitious about tournaments. He wants to throw a Seattle vs. Portland tournament some time in the future. Oh and when you stop by, try the perogies they rule.
Last edited by Qdub on Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:34 pm

Thanks for getting the word out Q.

Just to clarify, bar name is The Foggy Notion, not Nation. Like the Velvet Underground song.
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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Nation

Postby ROM on Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:45 pm

it'll probably show up as foggy nation on the pinball map's rss... that's what I read when I first saw the submission, and then I failed to notice the difference in the 2nd.

But... sweet!
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Re: Foggy Nation

Postby Qdub on Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:55 pm

your right, my bad. I've bad saying nation in my head all week long and in kinda stuck. We are kind of a foggy nation though.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Opto on Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:46 am

That's a sweet lineup!
"I hear the trunk shot on Theater Of Magic can be deadly."
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:20 am

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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Legs on Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:09 pm

this place is pretty sweet. i think earthshaker didn't recognize when i locked my second ball, but i've only played the game a few times so i'm not sure. the rest of the games (road show, nba, shadow) are great. slapped up a quick #2 high score on road show on my first game.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Opto on Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:24 am

Mmmmmmm . . . Shadow.
"I hear the trunk shot on Theater Of Magic can be deadly."
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:38 am

FYI we are closed Mondays.
Open Tues-Sunday 5PM to 2:30AM.
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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Notion

Postby ROM on Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:53 pm

Cool spot!

All four machines are playing very nicely.

Cushy seats, good tunes, good food (I had vegan chili... with cheese and sour cream added), lotsa beer, lotsa room, and it had a warm, relaxed vibe. It gets my vote! I think this would be a good place for weeklies.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:47 pm

Thanks ROM. We are down for a weekly if you guys are.
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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Dropshot on Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:27 pm

The 2011 weeklies vote has been re-configured with Foggy Notion as an option along with 6 other places. There is room for 3 more spots next year so don't forget to vote then.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:23 pm

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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Notion

Postby sauce on Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:25 pm

Shadow is out, Creature is in.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby PirateMike on Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:22 am

bummer... i'd rather have lost earthshaker or even road show...

also, I'm a little ambivalent about the 75/3 for a dollar avatar... I can go play at mfp for the going rate...
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Opto on Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:26 pm

Sauce - any idea where Shadow might pop up again? Was playing really nice last time I was there, and it's the only shadow in town besides GK.
"I hear the trunk shot on Theater Of Magic can be deadly."
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby FoggyKevin on Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:17 pm

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Location: The Foggy Notion 3416 N Lombard

Re: Foggy Notion

Postby PirateMike on Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:12 pm

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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby PirateMike on Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:51 pm

Sound is out on creature. It's been spotty for a while, but now it seems like its completely out.
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Re: Foggy Notion

Postby Qdub on Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:47 pm

Creature speaks once again.
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