I recently made it out to "The Location" in Eugene, Oregon and I had an awesome time! The guys running it are super nice and their love for pinball and video games is self evident, seriously good vibes

They hold Eugene Pinball league play every Friday night and I met a few of the folks that come out for it and people are obviously super stoked on having a very cool place to play. Highly recommended.
Some daytime shots of the tables
The current pinball line up is:
Captain Fantastic 1975 Bally (Damn near mint condition!)
Mars God Of War 1981 Gottlieb (Audio issues are intermittent but otherwise in great shape)
Flash Gordon 1980 Bally (Good player)
Strikes and Spares 1977 Bally (Good player)
Eight Ball 1978 Bally (Good player, could use some minor adjustments)
Flash 1979 Williams (Great player and in overall nice shape, spinner is as they say, "dialed")
Devil Riders 1984 Zaccaria (This game is in totally fucking awesome condition and is super fun! + Superb audio for 1984)
Grand Lizard 1985 Williams (Didn't play it but looks to be in nice shape)
Whirlwind 1990 Williams (Great shape, plays super nice)
Space Mission 1976 Williams (Nice)
Card Whiz 1976 Gottlieb (This table was down when I was there, looks nice though)
Banzai Run 1988 Williams (Awesome condition, plays nice)
World Cup Soccer 94' 1994 Williams (One of the nicest WCS I have played, this one used to be mine!)
They also have about 20 videogames and are currently in the process of becoming a legit,"Barcade" best of all is that they are most conveniently located right behind Ninkasi Brewing in Eugene.