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The Pinball Player's Prayer

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:05 pm
by LaughingOtter
OK, you can blame Ian Dury for this one...

After hearing his "Bus Driver's Prayer" I got the muse and did a couple of my own. The first one is The Puget Sound Bus Driver's Prayer (since it's impossible to do it right using only Seattle Metro routes, I had to expand to include Sound Transit and Community Transit to get enough place names to make it work).

But first, the advertised version...

Our Father, who art in Lucky Seven,
Challenger I be thy name.
Thy Kingpin come
Thy Williams be done,
On Earthshaker as it is in Lucky Seven.
Give us this day our daily Judge Dredd,
And forgive us our Expressways
as we forgive those who Expressway against us
Lead us not into Temptation
but deliver us from Mr. Evil
For thine is the Kingpin
The Firepower and the Jungle Lord
Batman Forever and Maverick
America 1492

And now, back to the bus version...

Bus Father, who art in Everett,
Haller Lake be thy name.
Thy Kingsgate come
Thy Willows be done,
On Purdy as it is in Everett.
Give us this day our daily Bend,
And forgive us our Yesler Terraces
as we forgive those who Yesler Terrace against us
Lead us not into Edmonds Station
but deliver us from Eatonville
For thine is the Kingsgate
The Brier and the North City
for Auburn and Auburn
North Bend

And the original is here...

Ideas for Portland?