Stern factory employment practices

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Stern factory employment practices

Postby TheStandardNate on Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:12 pm

A part of an online discussion on Stern factory employees. Seems like they are abusing people to make shitty machines like the Xmen.
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Re: Stern factory employment practices

Postby nhm on Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:22 pm

I'd say that it all depends on what the finances are like at Stern. If you can only afford to hire temps, then you can only afford to hire temps. If you are making tons of money, you'd want to recruit and retain the best craftsmen you can, to maintain the highest quality product. I work in a heavily unionized workplace that uses "temps" in augmentation roles. My multi-national company can afford to pay union workers, Stern...I'm not so sure. Actually, Nate, if you want, you're welcome to come on by anytime and take a tour!
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Re: Stern factory employment practices

Postby TheStandardNate on Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:09 pm

NHM FTW. Your logic is flawless. Gary Stern must be settling for a minimum wage as well and when he can afford to pay workers more he will surely up his salary as well.
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Re: Stern factory employment practices

Postby nhm on Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:11 pm

If you employ a minimum wage workforce, you're going to get minimum effort and a minimum quality product. How much do you think a worker cares about their job when they get little money and no benefits? So, yes, I agree that if they can pay more and provide better benefits, they should.
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Re: Stern factory employment practices

Postby ROM on Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:17 am

Stern's actually said that they "make" ALL of their employees play pinball for 15 minutes a day. Perhaps they consider that a substitute for health bennies.
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