Judge Dredd at Slingshot.

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Judge Dredd at Slingshot.

Postby deadbabybeelez on Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:05 pm

So, I can't help but notice that the scores are not in order from highest to lowest. First after GC is lower than all the other scores and the higest non-GC falls somewhere in the middle. I beat a few scores and didn't get to plaster my gloriously ok smangarang. Is there Shenanigans here?
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Re: Judge Dredd at Slingshot.

Postby ROM on Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:27 pm

Maybe you were looking at the SUPERGAME scores, and confusing them with regular game scores.

"Trudeau also advises us that Judge Dredd was the only "Superpin" to feature "Supergame", an entirely multiball game that could be had for an additional credit. "Supergame" also had it's own High Score To Date records shown in the dot matrix display."
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Re: Judge Dredd at Slingshot.

Postby deadbabybeelez on Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:19 pm

Nope. I'm not THAT clueless. I even took a pic of the score and my score. Oh well.
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