Support and Press
Posted: January 24th, 2008 by Multiball
Once again CFF gets some media coverage. This time front page of the Living section of the Oregonian. Check out the article on pinball featuring CFF.
For a while now people have been asking where they could pick up a CFF hoodie or shirt, the answer has always been you need to be in the gang to get the colors, that is until recently when we had some CFF swag made up. We just had a bunch of shirts made with the CFF logo on the front and a bunch of panties printed up that have buttons on the sides and flippers in the front, these things are sexy hot!
The products are available now although our shop is not up just yet. If you are interested in buying some CFF gear please email and we can get back to you on picking up your shirt or underwear as well let you know when our products will be available online.
In other news, you can expect a lot more action on the website in the near future so keep checking back or subscribe to the feed to be informed of some of the CFF goings on and pinball related news.
Seems like STERN has some plans to re-skin Family Guy with a Shrek theme. It’s kind of a weak way out of actually releasing something totally fresh.
Also, there is talk of some new pinball spots opening up soon… 30+machines? Proving once again how hot the Portland pinball scene is.
Go put your panties on and play ball.