New Seattle Pinball Destination?

Posted: May 25th, 2009 by Multiball

Apparently Add-A-Ball is some new place that has pinball in Seattle.
What’s the story?
I must say if this is their website it pretty much rocks.

The site features this graphic.

Sure, I'll take my kids here for thier birthday. What's that magazine you are reading?

Sure, I'll take my kids here for thier birthday. What's that magazine you're reading?

Categories: Pinball

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8 Responses to 'New Seattle Pinball Destination?'

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  1. sauce   25 May 09 at 6:14 pm

    I think this might be the guy I traded my Mars Trek to. They got a little mention in the latest skill shot zine. Not sure if they are open yet.

  2. PJP   25 May 09 at 9:00 pm

    Just went there tonight, they just opened. the place is real, even if the site is a joke.

    The place is also a scooter/moped repair shop, guy’s got 8 machines, all but one is an EM. First time I’ve ever enjoyed playing “Surf Champ.”

  3. deathsave   26 May 09 at 4:07 pm

    across the street from brouwer’s and under a head shop. talk about location!

  4. bounceback   2 Jun 09 at 9:18 pm

    when was the first add-a-ball feature on a pin? i thought it was a more modern multiball option, which would make it funny as a name for an EM spot, but hey…

  5. sauce   5 Jun 09 at 8:35 am

    1960, Flipper was the first add a ball game:

    Many manufacturers started making add a ball versions of their EMs that would award balls instead of credits for specials so that they couldnt be considered gambling machines. Instead of a free game, you just get extended play.

  6. sauce   5 Jun 09 at 8:39 am

    Oh, and your probably thinking of add-a-ball during multiball?? Check this out:

  7. Laughing Otter   7 Jul 09 at 11:28 am

    I’d never seen Mars Trek before, which was new and fun to play.

    Last Friday was the Zombie Walk during the Shaun of the Dead movie at the Fremont Outdoor Cinema. Add-A-Ball is right down the street from there.

    Add-A-Ball became our base for the evening. Brad, the owner, ducked out for a while and came back done up as a zombie. So it was an evening of beer, pinball, and zombies! Now how much fun is that?!?

    Occasionally Pepe (the resident kitty) will introduce a handicap in your game and lay down on the glass someplace.

    Their games are Surf Champ, Space Mission, Mars Trek, Lucky Ace, Lightning (the youngest game there), he’s working on a Fast Draw, Duotron, Jumping Jack, Pool Champ, and Pioneer.

  8. dave   18 Jul 09 at 8:00 pm

    This place rocks!! The pinball machines are top notch, not like most places that have old machines. thease machines play nice!!! This place is run buy a guy (brad) who realy loves pinball. I just hope he gets more machines
    and maybe a jukebox with pinball wizard on the play list!
    If you love pinball this is the place for you.


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