Golden Girls Pinball?
Posted: December 15th, 2007 by Multiball

In theory you can have a great pinball machine without having a great theme. STERN, the only manufacturer of pinball machines has just released Wheel of Fortune. When I first heard of Wheel of Fortune pinball, I was thinking it could be pretty cool and despite the geriatric theme it might actually be a fun table to play on. Angelo’s in Portland was the first to pick up the new machine and so far the verdict is that the new game is horrible.
I must admit the graphics and displays on the game are really cool and the actual wheel isn’t that bad, it’s the shots the drains the bumper in the middle and about 100 other things about this machine that are just wicked.
Why didn’t someone at STERN just step up and say, “Hey, this gameplay really sucks.”
I guess not all machines STERN produces can be winners, I’m going to say that Wheel of Fortune is probably better than Nascar at least.
Spiderman pinball was and is a totally awesome game, I hope that the next machine they produce (Transformers?) will be more thought out and have a bit better play to it.
What is the demographic of pinball players really?
Here are some ideas for pinball machines that will reach out to that older demographic that Wheel of Fortune seems to be marketed towards.
Murder She Wrote Pinball
Matlock Pinball
The View Pinball
Opera Pinball?
Wilfred Brimley’s Quaker Oats Party Pinball?
I’m sure the list could go on and on.
The theme doesn’t really matter as long as it has good play.
Nice try STERN.
I’m wonder what Crocodile Hunter is going to be like???
4 Responses to 'Golden Girls Pinball?'
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Matt Clark 24 Jan 08 at 11:29 pm
As someone in that demographic, who does play pinball, I would recommend. . .
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Vanishing Point
The Avengers
Bettie Page
Plan Nine from Outer Space
There is a ‘Gilligan’s Island’ machine, that is not too bad. There is one out at the Market Pub in Garden Home that is owned by the Pub. They do keep it up, but it has been a while since I’ve been in there. But, I think the rear legs are set too high, and the board is tilted forward too much to enjoy the play.
Also, that ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’ was a sweet machine, with it’s Drive-in Movie story line. Maybe they should do I Was a Teenage Werewolf ?
ORBIT 10 Mar 08 at 2:38 pm
I really do think Golden Girls is a better idea than Wheel of Boredom. What a stupid idea. I used to be really bothered by all the 90’s sci-fi movie games like terminator and crap. But this is just so much worse.
Next time they should just send out a blank game and let someone else paint it up. DIY pinball…
replay 18 Jun 08 at 9:58 pm
Need I say more
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