CFF New York Meeting!
Posted: May 23rd, 2009 by Multiball
While pinball has yet to take off in NY the Portland influence is starting to take place. Satellite Lounge opened up about a month ago and features 4 tables. WOW, 4 tables in one bar amazing!
So Sunday May 24th at 10PM come out and join the small New York chapter of CFF as we tear it up on CSI, LOTR, Terminator 2 and Taxi.
View NY Pinball Map in a larger map
BTW this is my somewhat lacking pinball map of the city. For more places check out.
These guys seem to stay on top of it pretty well.
Bring your quarters your passion and skills. We got some balling to do.
Sunday 10PM Satellite Lounge.
I hope to see you there.
8 Responses to 'CFF New York Meeting!'
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bounceback 23 May 09 at 11:46 pm
awesome! i’m psyched this is happening. go kill!
Dropshot 24 May 09 at 8:03 am
Other than CSI, that’s a pretty good line-up!
deathsave 24 May 09 at 10:06 am
i was pretty bummed last time i was in nyc, found a few machines but they were all pretty buckled and $1 to play. turn that town around!
bounceback 24 May 09 at 6:09 pm
i know mugs usually has the most recent game, maybe 2? also found some decent games at ace bar and some place up the street in the same area around wash. square park. i think someone in NYC was the first i saw to report having scored a billion on spidey, there must be ballers around.
definitely get new york in shape, with all those kids in williamsburg it should be easy to make someone take notice
DDT 24 May 09 at 6:52 pm
bounceback 25 May 09 at 12:00 pm
i want to know when the new york chapter will have a bounceback doppelganger, so we can deathmatch.
Multiball 25 May 09 at 2:08 pm
The NY chapter is on a slow growth path.. your deathmatch will come with time.
Max 26 May 09 at 6:57 am
NYC pinball is alive and well. 36 players are in the league. Including drew. Looking forward to seeing the Seattle influence. Max