CFF Message Board

Posted: March 13th, 2008 by ROM

Announcing a new feature on the website: a message board! It’s been noted that we need more ways to communicate with one another. So we set this up. So sign up and start communicating already.

This is a public forum, centering around the gang and also any other pinball-related concerns in Portland. Tell friends, rivals, operators, and anyone else, and then let’s get this thing rolling. The message board is mostly dead and pretty impossible to sign up with. Our board has an easy registration, and, if it becomes active enough, we can turn it into the hub for pinball news and discussion in the region.

At the moment there is a “Site Suggestions” subforum. Use this forum to give us feedback, and to suggest additions/changes to the message board and website. This message board is new, so if something glitches, chill out and then tell us, and then we’ll fix it.

Gang members: There is a hidden, private forum intended for internal matters. When you register, Multiball or I will grant you access to this forum (within a reasonable amount of time). If you aren’t given access within a few days, shoot me an email at master.cob at, and I’ll get you set up.

Have at it!

Categories: CFF,News,Pinball

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