The song about the sweet lovin woman and the song about the knife.

Posted: June 12th, 2008 by ORBIT


I really don’t like Seattle. No, don’t cry already my Emerald City Emo Kimosabe’s. I like y’all fine. Seattle has proven to have some great drinkers, hellraisers and pinball lovin mother fuckers, and that’s cool. Jeff Gagnon don’t fuckin play around, he throws down hard and is not afraid to travel to your home court to show you what time it is. Jason Hatch , Cheeseboat, Carlos, Crazy Jamie, the ultra-sexy Nicole (dang) and even “That Chopstick Mother Fucker Diamond Phillips” give it there all and with flare. I don’t mind sharing flipper stink finger with any of ya.

But what the fuck is with all the preppy sweater wearing wimps, gutless music scene (Earth does rule) and crackheads with machete’s? Your town is too expensive. It shut’s down too early. Your drinks are weak. I didn’t get laid! What the fuck!

OK, so maybe the last one can be blamed on flawed nature. There is no excuse however for not doing so well in the NW Pinball Expo. No excuse for not getting laid. No excuse for having so much fun. That’s right I said it, I had a lot of fun. We all did. Thirsty Jeff is a great host and tour guide. And thanks to some dipshit with a collared Izod shirt, even DDT left happy. I doubt the preppy dude is eating solid food right now. Too bad! Don’t threaten DDT ever!

Thw NW Pinball Expo was a success. Maybe some tickets floated around in a nepotistic fashion, maybe someone blatantly put his scores at the top of the pile to be recorded first. The top finishers were no surprise. These guys can play some fucking ball. They may be without personality and charm, but I have enough friends.

CFF represented well enough. I think all 8 of us were top 30. Replay and Rom bustedseattlepin.jpg ass enough to make it to the second round. They kicked some major ass. As time goes on, we will see higher placements from everyone. For now, we take the lessons and move on down the road to glory.

Everyone of us left on a high note. We all agree that the venture was a success (maybe not fiscally). Despite the prejudices and misunderstanding that surrounds Portland and CFF, I don’t think we want to be understood. We don’t need anymore people to move to our city. We just need to rock and be awesome.

Mission accomplished.


Written by Kickback.

Second photo stolen from cheeseboat.

Categories: CFF

Comments: 13 comments


13 Responses to 'The song about the sweet lovin woman and the song about the knife.'

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  1. Eden   13 Jun 08 at 3:59 am

    It was AWESOME having you guys there, and the write up is pretty damn accurate! I DID fast-track some of my scores into the computer since I KNEW I wasn’t going to get to play again unless things slowed WAY down… and they didn’t ; )

    VERY Xtra special thanks to DDT for doing some scoring… it helped out so much!

    You all played great; and you guys are playing better every time I see you.

    It was great to see you guys again…
    Until Shorty’s in November…

    -Eden Stamm

    (** Maybe I’ll see you some of guys at PAPA? ** )

  2. cAyle   13 Jun 08 at 9:52 am

    Agreed, was great to see you guys make the trek up from Portland! :)

    You NEED to come to PAPA! It’s an amazing tournament!


  3. JEF   13 Jun 08 at 12:50 pm

    combo owes me several frozen dinners!

  4. ROM   13 Jun 08 at 1:26 pm

    Are those Support Orbs floating around me? I was feeling them.

    Yes, that was fun. And yes, Seattle is barf. REI needs to start carrying a few more lines of clothes, because half the people in Seattle are wearing the same performance fleece sweatshirt.

    I’d totally like to go to PAPA. Does PAPA only have tournament machines? Or is there some fun Free Play action going on, as well?

  5. JEF   13 Jun 08 at 1:40 pm

    the only machines on free play at PAPA are in the tourney banks, so you’re paying no matter what. but it’s not so bad when they have a change machine and ~300 games to choose from.

  6. Kickback   13 Jun 08 at 2:17 pm

    Remember last year when I was the only CFF member at PAPA. Lame. I may not be able to afford this year.Anyone wanna buy a pinball machine?

  7. Crazy Jamie   13 Jun 08 at 9:55 pm

    DDT layin Joey out was the best! Was good to see you cwazy fukkers….hope to see some of you at PAPA :o) *smoochies*

  8. replay   18 Jun 08 at 9:48 pm

    NYchole is pretty darn sexy! What a “whirlwind” of trip. Nice showing Cff. How about that centaur machine, safecracker, bonzau run etc. Great job on running the tourney northen neighbors next time your looneys are ours!

  9. Danny Backglass   20 Jun 08 at 4:52 pm

    Fuk yah! I was in Santa Cruz yesterday and had a pinball mecca experience. On the boardwalk, they had “Hurricane.” I broke “Hurricane” after a few games, than went to the boardwalk and road the actual “Hurricane” roller coaster. fukin seck!

  10. bounceback   29 Jun 08 at 10:10 am

    i’m pretty jealous. the only ball i’ve been able to find was a harley davidson yesterday in norfolk at a dave&busters type place called jillians– $1.50 games, broken center post, and the finest feature– the center shot wouldn’t register hits, so no harley multiball. everywhere i go people are like “i haven’t seen a pinball machine in years.” get your heads out of your asses america! golden tee sucks. fuck big buck. fuck your stupid whack-a-mole ticket machines, sit-down shooters the size of a small boat that will only be cool for a year, your digital jukeboxes, pachinko, electric darts, even your pool tables. if you have any of the above at your bar/arcade/movie theater/pizza shop/laundromat/whatever and NOT a pinball machine, you are a fucking stupid asshole. i can’t fucking wait to get back to portland, pinball capitol of the universe.

  11. ROM   1 Jul 08 at 10:57 am

    $1.50 Harley?! DAMNIT!

    Another pinball article – LA Times.

  12. ORBIT   1 Jul 08 at 11:11 am

    Apparently the cost of gas is affecting auto related pinball. High speed is up to .75 per ball. PER BALL!!!

  13. DDT   13 Jul 08 at 8:32 am

    lets talk about how due we all are to crack tourny play. anyone who has spent a night with us knows how fuckin burly some of our scores get. and eden as much as i may make fun of your northern ways, it’s always prefaced with the sentence, the loon plays some sick pin. the story of Joey will go on the greatest hits list. Fucking frat boy shut up and drink your milkshake! Also a call goes out to the sick ripper Jeff. come to portland we have a proposition for you.


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