Slabtown Tournament

Posted: January 15th, 2009 by ROM

The 2nd Slabtown Tournament is looming big! Show off your chops in this open tournament at Portland’s punk rock, totally-into-the-Dandy-Warhols bar. The competition will be hefty, the stakes will be large ($100 prize!). But only one ‘baller will come away with the admiration and secret-crush of his/her peers. And that person will be the winner. As No Fear once told me, second place is the first loser! So you gotta not lose. Because if you do you’ll start crying… and if that happens then it will probably make all of us sad, because it will make us realize that we’re all human and therefore aren’t that different after all.

Please note the start time for the qualifying round. All kinds of people showed up past 7pm last time, and it slowed down the entire tournament. Don’t do that again. Eric the Organizer will be implementing a cut-off time for entering. And it will be earlier than last time! 6pm start.


Thursday, January 22nd
6-8pm Qualifying period
8pm Double elimination finals

$5 Entry (credits for tournament play will be free)
$100 First prize

1033 NW 16th Ave.

The rules/format will be very similar to the first Slabtown tournament. We’ll have a two hour qualifying round, with the top 12 players moving onto the double elimination finals. No extra balls will be allowed this time (single flip) and we’re restructuring the bracket to keep the maximum number of machines in use. This should hopefully keep things from going as late as they did last time.

Current lineup is still Funhouse, Sopranos Congo, and Medieval Madness, though I know Brinda is talking with Mike about replacing Sopranos with a 90s Williams machine. I’ll keep you updated.

Categories: Events

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  1. MWM   17 Jan 09 at 1:02 am

    Schlongo will be replacing the Sopranos in time for the tournament!


  2. ROM   20 Jan 09 at 12:56 pm


    I haven’t played that since it was at Vincente’s.

  3. MWM   21 Jan 09 at 11:34 pm

    Our only Congo on the route has been at McShanes in Eugene for the past year+ but it will be delivered to Slabtown Thursday in time for the tournament, it plays sweet!

    I’ll be donating some more pinball promo goodies to the tournament :)



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